Saturday, February 13, 2016

Follow these 3 easy steps to get more followers

  1. Simply tap or click on the comment section down below and enter a comment. This will place you with the other G+ users on the list.
  2. Next scroll down as far as possible. You'll want to begin tapping or clicking on as many Google+ User Names as possible starting at the bottom of the list and working your way up. Then just simply tap or click to follow that person.
  3. That's it! Now just sit back and relax while others begin following you back.   

A few guidelines: 


Have a profile picture! Having a picture is the least you can do. Not only does this make your profile look good and worthy of following but it also shows that you are a real user that potentially can interact and engage with your content.

If you post a comment without a profile picture, your G+ user name comment will be deleted! Don't fear though, just make sure you have a profile picture first then come back here and try posting a comment again.

When making a simple comment, if you're not logged in or haven't created a Google+ profile yet, you'll be prompted to confirm your profile. In that case simply confirm your profile and one will be generated for you. That's it! Have fun following and being followed.

Get More Google+ Followers the Right Way

There are some sites and blogs out there that have "secret" ways to gaining more followers and friends either on Facebook or any other social site. Most of the time it's from somebody who can't speak proper English and the method is usually made obsolete as soon as it's created because of site updates or the creator of the script doesn't realize this and doesn't keep their own site updated.

Some of the methods include an email list that you enter your email in and then generating an email list that imports for you into a site such as Facebook. It is said that you can not be blocked from Facebook using there website and it is considered a safe way of making friend requests.

Although this may have worked in the past more often than not the instructions are hard to follow and are confusing because their programming is usually broken and the scripts don't work and you're left with a feeling of "I just entered my email", I hope I don't start getting spammed or receive a lot of junk into my email inbox.

Other sites such as link sharing or like for likes and or follow me type sites do not moderate if a profile has a picture or not. These kind of sites never assure that people who like or follow you will actually engage with your content and are simply there to get more followers, likes, or whatever it is they are trying to get more of.

In order to achieve a good following that will benefit us all, it is desirable to have real, genuine and authentic followers in which they choose to follow you because they want to, those are the best followers who will engage the most if they so desire.

When posting a comment make sure you have a picture, nobody wants to follow somebody who doesn't have a picture. It always look good to have more followers on your profile and having more followers will prompt more people to follow you even more. Having more followers gives you more credentials regardless if those followers actually enjoy and engage with the content you post.

This method is much more safer and is much easier because it insures that everybody here will indeed follow each other. Just follow the 3 easy steps above and you will begin receiving more followers.